Libération des prisonniers d'opinion
Don’t count on the Kabyle diaspora!
Out of honesty towards my own people, I am required to tell certain truths, according to my personal vision, of course. Let us not forget that in this world, no one holds an absolute truth, because it is moving. The supposed truth of today will no longer be that of a near or distant future.
To begin with, it’s commonplace; I’m not inventing anything new that would change the face of the world. For me, the thought that best explains all current or past political actions is the famous luminous and premonitory phrase of the late Abane Ramdane: the primacy of the inside over the outside, the primacy of the civilian over the military.
This way of seeing and predicting has cost him his life, as everyone knows.
As far as I am concerned, I would like to warn all citizens living in Kabylia that it would be illusory to believe that the Kabyle diaspora living abroad will succeed in obtaining Kabylia’s independence.
For several reasons:
- One, they are far from the realities of what is happening on the ground….
- Two, I am a witness that Kabyle activists living abroad are being eaten away by sterile jealousies…
- Three, each wants to become president and it can be seen that from 1989 to today, the president of a political party clings to his position until his death like the precedents of the FLN and those of Arab-Muslim countries.
It is not necessary to mention them, everyone knows them.
In the same vein, the farce of all singers, intellectuals, who say they are committed and pretend. In reality, they are filling their pockets thanks to the naivety of the Kabyle people.
To my knowledge, no country in the world owes its liberation to artists. You don’t get freedom with a mandolin. A scam of the same kind as that of the colonial power in Algiers. They are nothing more than operetta moralists, live a meagre life and have great difficulty managing their personal lives. How could they be able to manage a country!
The hope for Kabylia’s independence can only come from its youth, especially students who live on a daily basis in front of militant bodies that attack them without any pretext.
At my conference in November 2018 at Hasnaoua University, in front of the activist students, I was clear on this subject, telling them:
- You can only rely on yourself. The majority of our emigrants have long since turned their backs on their Kabyle roots and for their children it is even worse. They are downright French, and do not hesitate to show their hostility to the idea of the independence of Kabylia, their parents’ country. The land inherited from their families is fallow…
I paint a bleak picture, but the fact remains that I have complete confidence in this Kabyle youth who, one day or another, will succeed in gaining independence one way or another.
I believe that all generations that have passed the age of 50 are outdated, you can’t count on it. Unfortunately, they have exactly the same societal vision as their own colonizers. There is a Kabyle proverb that says:
- The cat loves the one who strangles him….
A great deal of mistrust must prevail towards weather vanes and jacket turners, all those who have a political responsibility in the so-called opposition parties, all accomplices of the mafia and criminal power in Algiers.
Now they dare to show their dirty faces trying to walk with the people, but they are not fooled. They all risk being lynched and this is only the beginning.
The leaders of the political parties that endorsed the colonial power in Algiers must be held accountable.
Shamy Chemini
Writing artist
July 1, 2019
You are being negatively unrealistic and the mere suggestion to “cut off” any Kabyle from any region of the world is suicidal to the cause.
Think of it this way: if so many are not supporting the independence ideal, it either means that the timing is premature or militants are not doing a good job in arguing for indenpendence.
You have to remember that for the moment the idea of independence is very abstract in peoples mind – people not to hear about a detailed program, number of hospitals, how to create jobs, how many new institutes, main sources of economy, stratsgic pklan for tourism…this can be dine but must be put in place.
Finally, and frankly, your suggestion of giving up on the Kabyle diapira is very silly. China, despite being the 2nd superpower, still relies heavily on its diaspora (chech the THOUSAND TALENT PROGRAM). Involving the Kabylie diapora is not only necessary but vital for building a MODERN AND PROSPEROUS KABYLIE.
Vous êtes négativement irréaliste et la simple suggestion de ” couper ” tout Kabyle de n’importe quelle région du monde est suicidaire à la cause.
Pensez-y de cette façon : si tant de gens ne soutiennent pas l’idéal de l’indépendance, cela signifie soit que le moment est prématuré, soit que les militants ne font pas un bon travail en plaidant pour l’indépendance.
Vous devez vous rappeler que pour le moment l’idée de l’indépendance est très abstraite dans l’esprit des gens – les gens ne doivent pas entendre parler d’un programme détaillé, du nombre d’hôpitaux, de la façon de créer des emplois, du nombre de nouveaux instituts, des principales sources d’économie, du pklan stratégique pour le tourisme… cela peut être diné mais doit être mis en place.
Enfin, et franchement, votre suggestion de renoncer à la diaspora kabyle est très bête. La Chine, bien qu’elle soit la deuxième superpuissance, compte encore beaucoup sur sa diaspora (voir le programme MILLIERS DE TALENTS). Impliquer la diaspora kabyle est non seulement nécessaire mais vital pour construire une KABYLIE MODERNE ET PROSPÈRE.